Teacher Effectiveness: Personal Reflections

This week I attended a presentation for Christine Coombe from the Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai as an invited speaker in our FPDE department in Doha. Her session was about “What the Research Tells Us About Teaching Effectiveness”. I would like to share some of the interesting points I had during this session.
The session started with a good question about what makes an effective teacher and how we all perceive this idea. Out of the several discussions that took place, similar key aspects were highlighted among the audience. Some of these aspects include motivation, respect and skills. Many students may agree or disagree on what makes an effective teacher. However, they most of them find an effective teacher as someone whom they like. S/he is a teacher who has good popularity and is liked by students.
I believe it is a hard mission for any teacher, especially for junior teachers. However, there is no secret trait – at least from my own view point -other than hard work, perseverance and interest in the subject and the field. Also being unfair or tough with some students is normally discouraged by most learners.
According to Christine, some other unrelated aspects that may affect how students teacher effectiveness are teacher’s age, experience, amount of additional responsibilities, qualifications and career history. These can tell us something about the variety and wideness of aspects that may affect teacher-effectiveness in class.
In all cases, It is obvious that the teacher has the main role and responsibility in creating a successful learning environment. Professional development opportunities through workshops, action research, focus groups, discussions, conferences, communities of practice and reading about current practices/ issues in the field represent important keys in shaping the characteristics of an effective teacher. it is a great mission to help your learners become motivated and successful. Obviously it will create an experience that your learners will never forget.