You can build any school, college, university, learning and book store site with it. The advanced LMS makes it easier to organize and handle everything for you.
We will support you with theme related every issues and we will try to troubleshoot your problem in fastest time.
Once you buy Edumodo, you do not have to pay money ever after though you will be getting updates as long as you use Edumodo.
We offer you support for 6 months, and you can extend it to 12 months by adding $16.13. If your support period is over, you can purchase support again.
Edumodo comes with 3 popular lms support (Learnpress, sensei and learndash) and allows you to build almost any type of educational websites.
Yes, we offer such services. Check our custom work page to know more details.
Yes. Edumodo is fully complied with GDPR.
Yes. If you want to use any premium lms plugin, you must buy it separately. We have given support of these lms’s, not premium license.